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long-standing relationship中文是什么意思

用"long-standing relationship"造句"long-standing relationship"怎么读"long-standing relationship" in a sentence


  • 长期的合作关系


  • In view of our long - standing relationship , we agree to allow you a discount
  • If it were not for the long - standing relationship between us , we would hardly make you a firm offer at this price
  • To be frank with you , if it were not for the long - standing relationship between us , we would hardly be willing to make you a firm offer at this price
  • To be frank with you , if it were not for the long - standing relationship between us , we would hardly be willing to make you a from offer at this price
  • To be frank with you , if no for the long - standing relationship between us , we would hardly be willing to make you a firm offer at this price
  • " bp has maintained a long - standing relationship with ceibs , because we have consistently been able to recruit high quality employees with the talent and drive to succeed in our high performance culture
    “ bp公司和中欧国际工商学院保持着长期关系。我们一直能招聘到高素质的员工,他们积极向上,非常适合我们崇尚卓越业绩的文化。
用"long-standing relationship"造句  
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